From Vision to Reality,
The Journey to Global Leadership

The Future is Gas: NLNG –
Expanding Horizons,
Enhancing Energy Solutions

NLNG is a major player ​in the global LNG business. NLNG was incorporated as a Limited Liability company on May 17, 1989, to harness Nigeria’s vast natural gas resources and
produce Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) for ex​​port.

The establishment of NLNG as a company is backed by the Nigeria LNG (Fiscal Incentives, Guarantees and Assurances) Act. Cap N87, Laws of Federation of Nigeria 2004 which among other things, provides for the guarantees and assurances by the Federal Government of Nigeria to the
Company and its Shareholders.


Years of Incorporation


Years of Production


Staff & Workers, 95% Nigerians

Our Vision
A globally competitive energy company improving lives sustainably.
Our Purpose
Providing energy to improve lives sustainably.

We are a global energy company charged with the responsibility of harnessing and exporting Nigeria’s vast natural gas resources to improve lives sustainably.  We are a team of professionals passionately driven by integrity, teamwork, respect, excellence, caring, social responsibility, innovation, global leadership and the environment. More importantly, we are worldclass professionals with the utmost desire to improve lives sustainably.

Our Value Proposition
Energy to improve lives sustainably.

We are a global energy company harnessing and exporting natural gas to improve lives sustainably.

Building Capacity, Driving Growth

NLNG currently boasts a production capacity of 22 Million Tons Per Annum (mtpa) of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and 5 mtpa of Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) from its six-train plant complex. The company has secured 20 long-term Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) with 9 buyers.

In 2007, NLNG launched the DLPG Scheme to supply Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) domestically, spurring growth in the industry by ensuring supply, availability, and affordability. This initiative has also fostered the development of the DLPG value chain.

In 2019, NLNG shareholders made the Final Investment Decision (FID) on the 7th train.
In 2020, contracts for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) were
awarded. This expansion is set to boost production capacity by 35%, increasing from 22 mtpa to 30 mtpa, strengthening NLNG’s global competitiveness.

NLNG has consistently demonstrated a robust performance in Operational Excellence, HSE, and profitability, further cementing its place as an industry leader.

Overcoming Challenges, Delivering Excellence